In acknowledgment and advocacy for Career Development in the North America Global Careers Month, we want to share with you on how our clients experience positive changes through Career Development. So we have created a little compilation of our client's post service feedback* to share them with you. Read on to find out more!
*We have made our client's feedback anonymous. Some feedback have been further edited to conceal sensitive details*

Deciding how to choose for myself

"I was stuck at a fork in the road before and didn’t know which to choose for myself. I always tended to do what I’m told and what I want and feel is right for me was always an after thought. My Career Developer helped me realise that there is a choice that’s best for me at different points in time and that there are many lanes on one’s career highway. I just have to know myself well, assess the situation well and keep the end goal in mind. Overall, there are several ways to grow and to live my life. This firm that I’ve been with for 7+ years is not the end all and be all of my journey; if I wanted a change, I can make it happen for myself."
"It has helped me to identify why I behave in certain ways and knowing these personality traits helps me to choose what I want and can do for my future career."
Getting a new perspective of how life and work fits together

"I've learnt alot about myself and my Career Developer has helped me to see that the same themes in my life has been popping up again and again. It's also given me a new perspective on how I can should structure my life and incorporate a job within it instead of building my life around a job."
"It helped me break out of the paradigm of work and career that I've been raised with."
"I had undergone a transformative personal life journey and am a lot more confident in navigating life in general, especially with regard to the area of my day job."
Appreciating myself, become more confident and productive

"I was quite lost and feeling helpless in terms of my work life. I have no motivation and I usually end up slacking. I was doing blind job applications on random roles and I will usually fail in interviews and make me feel disappointed about myself. When I sought the help of my Career Developer, I was able to discover more about myself and to appreciate career life as a whole by looking into the bigger picture. I discovered my strengths and weaknesses and this helped me a lot in my job interviews as I believed in myself and I was able to talk about my strengths confidently to my interviewers. I also gained a lot of realisations and cleared my mind during the process and this helped me a lot in coming up with a career design of my own. I now feel that I am well equipped to improve my career and should there be any changes in the future, I am now confident enough that I will be able to make it through and be better in designing my own career life."
"I was not confident in trusting myself and had a different mental state about money. After receiving support, though I am still changing, I am able to be more confident in myself and the things that I truly enjoy doing. "
Building self awareness to create steps for the future

"I found it very useful in helping me to identify my strengths, personality, the reasons why I was struggling with certain elements of my existing job, and it also provided very useful and repeatable frameworks for me to execute on in my future career pursuits. Most importantly, it helped me to break down the various components of a work transition into easy to understand frameworks, and I feel more confident and assured in my next steps now."
"I have dug deep in discovering myself, my strengths, my values, and figuring out where I want to be headed. I have a lot more confidence today to pursue my career interests and walk the path that I want for myself."
Having a smoother job transition journey

"My Transition Specialist helped me to identify the misconceptions I had regarding the job hunt and the career transition. The process helped me to know what has to be done and how it should be done for a smoother career transition."
"I received some valuable career advice and in-depth analysis on how to be prepare and look for work and great advice on new career path. Explained concepts and perspectives that would help me in the process."
These snippets of personal stories of changes are just the tip of many more people who have benefitted in different ways from being engaged in career development.
So what is Career Development?
As defined by CERIC, a Canadian charitable organisation that advances education and research in career counselling and career development to increase economic and social well being,
"Career Development is the lifelong process of blending and managing paid and unpaid activities, learning, work, volunteering and leisure. "
When we are able to integrate career development into our lives, we will be able to readjust the relationship between our lives and our work and jobs. We will be able to think beyond what we are doing in our jobs, towards what we can be doing all the time, through the different roles we play in life. We can plan around our needs and our qualities and make sense of how our work and jobs should fit us. We can control what we do and how we work rather than letting our work control us. We will become adaptive to journey through life and work, in positive or scary futures. Essentially, we can lead happy, productive and meaningful lives. We can have the freedom to flourish.
At AVODAH People Solutions, we provide career guidance services to people who are considering career changes, making a job change or currently in a transition to find a job and also career enrichment services to people who want to be more effective at work. Share your career situation with us so that we can support you.