What should I do when I have so many considerations and concerns about my career, coupled with many advice given by people around me?

"I am not sure of what to decide and how to decide."
Jacintha is a rising leader in her organisation which is in the finance industry. She had built up her career after many years of hard work and studies after coming to Singapore from overseas since she was young. Jacintha enjoys the work she does and the work culture in her organisation and in Singapore. Singapore has become familiar, almost like home to her after so many years.
Things at work started to shake for Jacintha when she was informed about a posting back to her home nation. Jacintha felt unsure about the move and had reservations about it. While she enjoys her work, she is unsure about the move back to her home nation as she sees potential culture and work management misfit issues. Yet she could see how the move could possibly help her move up the corporate ladder in her organisation.
Faced with this posting possibility, Jacintha sought advice from others but found that the advice from her peers confused her. She also sought the reasons for the posting decision from her bosses but the reasons were not forthcoming nor convincing as well.
At the same time, Jacintha felt the desire to go back to school, to further her education in a Masters programme to deepen her skills in the areas of financial analysis. She considered going to Europe to do this full time but was also concerned about her finances and how this move would impact her career.
With her bosses pressing her on the posting decision, Jacintha needed someone to help her process all her considerations in a way that could help her be clear of what to do. She sought help from Avodah People Solutions.
"I enjoy analysing and fixing issues and working with high performing teams"
Through her #CareerDeveloper, Jacintha was given a listening ear to share her thoughts, her fears and concerns about situation that she was in. Jacintha also understood more about herself in terms of how her past experiences had shaped her in developing her abilities, personality and interests. Based on her work and non work experiences, she learnt that she enjoys analysing issues, fixing issues, problem solving, planning and working with high performing teams. She also reflected on her own struggles where it comes to managing poor performers and handling criticisms, working with unclear directions.
"I learnt that I don't enjoy being a middle man; instead I enjoy being the technical person to do analysis work, learning and being challenged by others in areas that I am unaware of." Jacintha shared with her #CareerDeveloper.
"I am finally decided on what is best for me"
As a result of the process, Jacintha became clearer about the choices to take, based on the pathways that laid in front of her. She objectively prioritised and ranked her choices based on her new found understanding of what she wanted. With her new found confidence and clarity, Jacintha eventually turned down the overseas posting offer and pursued a new role within her organisation to lead a team managing financial portfolios. Jacintha also developed a holistic career action plan to include her skills upgrading aspirations as a finance professional.
These career stories belong to clients of Avodah People Solutions
To protect the privacy of our clients, we have changed the names and omitted some details of their stories.
In sharing these stories, we hope to inspire you in your own career journey.
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