Having been in a field of work for more than a decade often makes it hard for us to change or switch careers. The very thought of doing something else may cause worries, uncertainty and self doubt. This story is about our client who identified a new career identity for himself after being in a specialist field for over 15 years.

"I want to know what is ahead so that I can plan for it."
Clint is a specialist in the construction field. His entire education and career has been in the field of engineering and he has achieved many milestones in his work. He rose through the ranks and is experienced in the technicalities of construction, project and people management. However, a part of Clint always felt that he could be doing something else beyond engineering but he was not sure where and what that might be.
Not knowing what to do, Clint sought help from Avodah People Solutions.
"I would like to find out what else I could be doing so that I can consider and prepare towards it."
Together with his #CareerDeveloper, Clint analysed his attitudes and worldview towards work, career planning and also examined his work achievements and duties to understand his motivations and how he goes about doing his work. Clint's strengths as a planner, organiser, project manager became apparent. Beyond that, Clint's values and beliefs were explored to reveal him as a person with a strong regard for integrity, responsibility and a high regard for safety and people. While the knowledge was not new to Clint, he felt affirmed and validated as these strengths and qualities were reflected back to him from multiple sources of people in his life.
By using a narrative career counselling intervention, Clint's past work and life experiences were examined to identify themes and patterns behind his work behaviours and decisions. Clint's challenges as a young boy framed the way he saw and regarded things. These challenges shaped the way Clint saw things, giving him a unique perspective. With the help of his #CareerDeveloper, Clint connected his unique perspective with the recurring themes, patterns he operated on and the strengths and qualities he now possess. This allow Clint to gain a deeper understanding about himself and what was personally meaningful for him to pursue.
"I want to manage change and transformation effectively"
Clint realised that throughout his job and his personal life, managing change was something important for him and he has always been doing it consciously and subconsciously. This realisation was important to Clint because it meant that he could help people accept and adapt to changes effectively, without being left behind. It also helped shift Clint to see his vocational identity not as a construction engineering specialist, but more of a change management specialist.
Armed with his new direction and personal meaning, Clint was guided to assess how he would like to implement it by examining the options in his organisation as well as other organisations. Scanning the job market for realistic work options aligned to Clint's short and longer term options in similar and complementary industries were identified for exploration and this gave Clint the confidence to test and implement steps towards his new direction.
Clint is no longer unaware and worried about his next steps. His new direction and refined vocational identity has paved the way for him to progress onto find new opportunities with confidence.
These career stories belong to clients of Avodah People Solutions
To protect the privacy of our clients, we have changed the names and omitted some details of their stories.
In sharing these stories, we hope to inspire you in your own career journey.
Seeking career direction or thinking of a career change?
Find out more about how we can help you with your career. Get help from Avodah People Solutions today!
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