Engaging in the process of career guidance is easier when you know about the person helping you. Here is a look at the different types of Career Helpers in AVODAH People Solutions's team.

Let's start off with a basic understanding of the different career services that our Career Helpers provide. The definitions of these services are based on the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) Glossary of Terms and Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC)'s Glossary of Career Development
Career Counselling
Career counselling is a process for establishing a collaborative and supportive relationship with clients, aiming to assist them with their personal development and career-related concerns. The process includes helping individuals with career self assessment, job search and job placement, and counselling individuals who are experiencing personal situations relating to career decision making and career maintenance. [APCDA] Career counselling refers to an individual or group process which emphasizes self-awareness and a better understanding of the world of work. It helps people to develop a satisfying and meaningful life/work direction by helping them make career, educational and life decisions. Career counselling is used to guide learning, work and transition decisions, as well as to manage responses to changing work and learning environments over the lifespan. Its predominant ethos is one of facilitation rather than of advice-giving. Career counselling relationships vary according to need. [CERIC]
Career Guidance
Career guidance is a comprehensive developmental process designed to assist individuals in making and implementing informed educational and occupational choices to achieve their career aspirations. [APCDA] Career guidance consists of services that help people successfully manage their career development. It is an inclusive term that has been used to describe a range of interventions including career education and counselling, that help people to move from a general understanding of life and work to a specific understanding of the realistic life, learning and work options that are open to them. Career guidance is often thought to incorporate career information, career education and career counselling. [CERIC]
Career Coaching
Coaching is the process of working with clients in a thought-provoking and insightful process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential by providing information and asking questions that are life/career oriented. [APCDA] Career coaching is the process of working with people to help them assess their skills and make critical and informed career development decisions, as well as helping them to use various tools—résumés, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles—to accomplish their career goals. In general, career coaching tends to be a solution-oriented approach, which involves working with clients to see what concrete steps they can take to achieve their career objectives. It helps people to assess their professional situations with a greater degree of honesty. [CERIC]
Career Education
Courses, programs, or learning activities designed to teach skills needed for researching career information, career decision-making, goal setting, career management, employability, and job search. [APCDA] Career education is the curricula and programs that provide information and experiences that help youth make meaningful career and education decisions, and is generally administered in K-12. It equips students and young people to make meaningful links between general education and work-life roles; to make relevant career choices across their lifespan; to develop a positive attitudes towards change; and to manage recurrent career transitions. Career education can also refer to educational training related to a specific career field. [CERIC]
Clinical Supervision
Clinical supervision is the construction of individualized learning plans for practitioners (supervisees) working with clients. For the supervisor, it involves training and evaluating the supervisee and the quality of services provided to individual clients. Clinical supervision was formally introduced into mainstream nursing almost twenty years ago, but it is now used also in counselling, psychotherapy, and other mental health disciplines as well as many other professions engaged in working with people. [CERIC]
Career Information
Career information and/or guidance systems are computer software or online systems that provide career assessments, career information, educational information, and other types of career or educational advice or information along with searching capabilities and decision-making tools. [APCDA]
Career information is information related to the world of work that can be useful in the process of career development, including educational, occupational and psycho-social information related to working (e.g., availability of training, the nature of work, the status of workers in different occupations, etc.). It is used to support all areas of the career development process. [CERIC]
Job Search Training
Job-search training is designed to teach people to purposefully search for jobs/employment. [APCDA]
The Career Helpers in AVODAH People Solutions are also known as Career Practitioners or Career Development Practitioners. Based on CERIC's glossary, Career practitioners, or career development practitioners (CDPs), facilitate the ability of clients to take charge of their own career development by assisting them in the process of identifying and accessing resources, planning, and managing for their career-life development. It is used as an umbrella term that refers to any direct service provider in the career development field. This includes but is not limited to: career practitioners, career educators, career information specialists, career management consultants, work development officers, employment support workers, work experience coordinators, job developers, placement coordinators, career coaches, and vocational rehabilitation workers.
In AVODAH People Solutions, our team is made of the different types of Career Helpers and they provide different career services as outlined at the top of this article. Click through to learn more about what they do and the requisite experiences, certifications and credentials needed to perform their roles.
Career Developers
Our Career Developers provide career counselling, career guidance and career coaching support. They deliver programmes aimed at increasing person and work sense making and developing career clarity. They provide case management, journey with clients over the length of their programmes. They are trained in career counselling and certified in the field of Career Development. Many also have coaching credentials.
Transitions Specialists
Career Practice Supervisors
Career Development Trainers
Career Enrichment Coaches
Besides being trained and experienced in their roles, Career Helpers in AVODAH People Solutions are also supported to deliver effective career services through regular clinical supervision, in-house training, curated career programmes. They are required to uphold the Code of Ethics defined by their credentials, such as the National Career Development Association (NCDA) Code of Ethics. All clients are routed through an intake process to ascertain the help needed before routing to the right Career Helper for support. AVODAH People Solutions also have established partners to refer clients with specific complex issues for further assistance.
Now that you know about our Career Helpers, why not get in touch to meet us?