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Career Resources
We need inspiration and information to progress.
In order to progress, we can start by doing what we can. AVODAH's specially curated career resources helps you get started. Watch career videos, read career articles, use available free resources to help you get started on your own career development.

Aug 21, 20243 min read
Contributions towards local and international Articles, Practice, Publications, Presentations
Last Updated 21 Aug 2024

Jan 26, 20233 min read
Should I engage Career Services?
Are career services only relevant if you are unemployed or actively seeking for job changes? Read on to better understand the range of...

Jan 10, 20233 min read
Knowing what is really authentic and true
When I get lost in the journey of trying to be successful by fulfilling what others want of me, can I really be true to myself? "I feel...

Apr 25, 20221 min read
Using RIASEC to find the right career
Dr John Holland's RIASEC codes is one good way to discover about our career interests and how that corresponds with jobs and...

Apr 4, 20224 min read
Career Q&A - How to increase my income amidst a high cost of living?
Given how inflation, GST is going to increase our cost of living, what can I do to increase my income? - Jonathan, Office Professional...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Making a career out of change
Having been in a field of work for more than a decade often makes it hard for us to change or switch careers. The very thought of doing...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Career Q&A - How to balance my work and my life?
I have been struggling with heavy work loads and it has affected my family and personal life. What can I do about this? - Rebecca, Sales...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Learning the narrative of my life
We often categorise and segregate our activities into work and leisure, with little or no overlaps in-between. So what happens when the...

Apr 4, 20222 min read
Your Career Thoughts Survey Study 2020 2021
In 2020 and 2021, in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, AVODAH People Solutions decided to learn more about the career...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Knowing how to do my first job search
Graduations are bittersweet. The joy associated with completing full time studies is very quickly replaced with the realities of job...

Apr 4, 20225 min read
Career Q&A - How should I balance work from home (WFH) norms?
I am feeling the negative effects of working from home. I get more agitated, irritable and more tired each day and these feelings are...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Restoring my sense of balance at work
When work is so overwhelming to the point that I feel like I am losing myself, what should I do? "I feel like I need to leave my job...

Apr 4, 20225 min read
Career Q&A - Should I leave my new job now or should I stay longer?
I just joined my company for 3 months but I am seeing a lot of challenges at the workplace. I am thinking of leaving but I am unsure if...

Apr 4, 20224 min read
Career Q&A - What job market reports should I read to guide my career planning?
I see lots of market and job related reports online and it gets overwhelming and confusing at times. How do I read the job and work...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Moving from boredom to fulfilment
I feel so bored at work and it has made me feel so disengaged. Yet at the same time I am worried about making a career move in this...

Apr 4, 20222 min read
Career Q&A - When is the right time to leave my job?
I have been in my job for 7 years and my work feels almost stagnant. How would I know when is the right time to move on to a new job? ~...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Exploring the world of work and where I fit
I feel like I need to move into a new job but I do not know what my job options are and how to go about choosing. "I am worried about...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
Career Q&A - High Paying Job but under a Nasty Boss?
I have a dilemma - my job pays me well now but the workplace culture gets me down because of a boss who talks down to staff and it’s...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
3 Questions about Career Coaches
Amidst the fast evolving economic situation, career planning and development is now a must-do activity for the us to stay ahead. Based on...
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